
We are excited to bring you the first joint collaboration between the Alabama Counseling Association Multicultural Counseling & Development Division and Chapter IV. This is a FREE  (if you do not need CEs) hybrid conference!!! This conference will take place on Friday, April 26, 2024 at C2 Nation 420 Forest Drive, Fairlfield, AL 35064.This conference will be filled with great information, introducing you to some unique clinical techniques and skills, and teaching you how to navigate the counseling field through advocacy for yourself.  Below our the objectives we have set for the conference:

1. Be educated on various therapeutic techniques that can be used to cultivate rapport with clients

2. Discuss ethical guidelines to follow in advocating cultural humility in clinical and professional relationships

3. Explore ways to advocate for yourself as a clinician when it comes to various clinical scenarios

As you can see we will be exploring a lot in this jam pack one day conference. Also, you have the chance to gain 6 CEs during this conference at the low price of online registration at:

$30 for ALAMCD, ALACES, Chapter VII, and Chapter IV members

$50 for  non ALAMCD, ALACES, Chapter VII, and Chapter IV members

$15 for students.

**On-site registration is available with a $10 price increase. Continental Breakfast and Lunch included .